About Nectar

Nectar is a product wholly owned and built by Delware C Corporation Pairly Climate, Inc. This page describes Nectar's mission, team, and product. (Updated: February 2023)


Nectar's mission is to make carbon accounting accessible to every business on the planet. Everyone deserves to know their impact on the world and current solutions are simply too time-consuming, difficult to use, and expensive.

But why carbon accounting? Our team looked across the entire climate tech industry on where we could make an impact. We realized as the market moves into 2030, more businesses are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and create a positive difference in our world. But how will a business know if they're work is actually making a difference? How can they measure their impact accurately?

We realized for businesses to start making changes, they need to be able to track their progress. Without a way to measure it, it's like trying to reduce your care milage without keeping track of gas usage or distance traveled. With accessible carbon accounting, corporations will strive to become more transparent and accountable when it comes to ESG goals.


Nectar is built by Pairly Climate, Inc, a team of engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and business folks hailing from leading institutions in climate tech.

What brought Nectar's team together was the founding members' relentless drive for impact and zero tolerance for bullshit. Nectar's team was fed up by the lack of great tools for a cheap price for carbon accounting on the market. Too often are businesses sold expensive carbon accounting platforms, which end up being hacky multiplication tables strung together in a spreadsheet. Our team spoke to hundreds of climate leads, listened to their stories, and understand the difficulties of carbon accounting on a fundamental level.

We were motivated by these conversations to create a new kind of tools radically different from what's on the market. We're hoping that by building software that's actually useful and solves the core problems deeply, we can make climate action more accessible to everyone.


Together, we built Nectar, the first carbon accounting tool with a free comprehensive scope 3 estimator. We're in the process of building out a free scope 1 and 2 estimator that we're hoping to release to the public. For companies tha are looking to disclose their carbon footprint in an automated fashion, we urge you to reach out and work with us!

As we move forward, we'll be prioritizing accessibility, automation, and auditability in our product. These three principles form the pillars of our product and mission. More accessible tools allows everyone to participate in carbon accounting without a specialized degree thanks to the high degree of automation and guarantees on auditability. The large about of automation we built into carbon accounting allows for greater auditability (no more copy and pasting!) and simple user experience. Finally, our guarantees on accuracy and logs allow the tool to be used risk free by anyone.

Of course, we know that our approach isn't perfect, and it's impossible to get it completely right. We're humans after all, but that doesn't excuse us from trying to become better. If you have features you'd like to see built or want to bounce ideas off us, please do reach out to us at team@nectarclimate.com.